12 Step Workshop with Russell Brand

12 Step Workshop

with Russell Brand

A day long deep dive into the principles of 12 steps in Topanga, CA.


A note from Russell

You can come to a 12 step-based retreat this Sunday June 23rd to explore how the principles I was taught to recover from substance misuse can be used in all areas of our lives.

This is a light-hearted yet profound opportunity to acquire a powerful program that can be applied across the spectrum of your life’s challenges.

The legendary Jiu Jitsu master, teacher and hunk Ryron Gracie will be teaching a workshop on self defence and embodied psychology.

Laura Brand will be running a craft workshop where we will be encouraged to discover the joy of creativity accessible through making simple things with our hands (dammit, thats why I married her).

There will also be meditation, yoga, nice food (let’s face it, probably vegan) and walks on a lovely ranch in Topanga Canyon and it definitely won’t turn into a cult or Fyre Festival. It can’t. There are only 40 people coming.

This will be a fun, intimate experience focused on spiritual growth, personal development and fun. Have I said fun too often? Come, it will be fun.



Day of schedule:

9.30am - 10.00am: Arrival
10.00am - 11.00am:
Welcome meditation - Introduction to Steps 1 to 3
11.00am - 12.00pm:
Written work in small groups
12.00pm - 1.00pm:
Introduction to Steps 4 and 5
1.00pm - 2.30pm:
LUNCH and Step 4 written work
2.30pm - 3.30pm:
Shared examples of Step 4
3.30pm - 4.30pm:  Embodied training with Ryron Gracie
4.30pm - 5.00pm:
Group check in
5.00pm - 5.45pm:
Craft exercise with Laura Brand
5.45pm - 6.30pm:
Overview of Steps 6 to 12 - Closing meditation

Whether you are currently working a program or looking to start, this event will help you find the clarity and fulfillment you’re seeking.

Set in the old growth oak trees of the Santa Monica Mountains, The Commune Lab is a private retreat space for communal and personal growth. This is our place to come together, share in each other’s lives, and push the bounds of our collective experience.


50% Complete

Two Step

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