Podcast: Steelmanning All Sides of the Russell Brand Allegations
Oct 05, 2023
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Sexual assault, the erosion of trust in institutions, mob mentality, the ad-driven media model — the Russell Brand scandal touches on so many salient societal issues. Can we have a thoughtful discussion around this polarizing situation? Is it possible to walk the middle path?
As mentioned in the episode, here is the link to the documentary: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8o4deh
About the Commune Podcast
Hosted by Jeff Krasno, the Commune podcast features thoughtful conversations for modern times. Not always comfortable but definitely needed, we explore both humanity and our human-ness. How can we live healthy, purpose-filled lives and be in service of something bigger? Guests include spiritual teachers, poets, scientists, philosophers, and activists for food sustainability, functional medicine, mental and physical health, and collective healing.
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