Closing Thoughts From Dr. David Perlmutter


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Say No to Alzheimer’s with Dr. David Perlmutter

Learn what to do now to reduce your risk of cognitive decline later


An estimated 55 million people worldwide are living with dementia, and that number is expected to triple by 2050. In the U.S. alone, one in nine people aged 65 and older have Alzheimer's disease or other form of dementia. 

Here’s more bad news: Currently, there is no drug that meaningfully affects the disease process.. In other words, modern medicine has no cure. 

But here’s the good news: There is so much you can do right now to prevent cognitive decline long before it occurs. 

Say No to Alzheimer’s with David Perlmutter, MD is an in-depth online course that empowers you with the knowledge to take control of your brain’s destiny. 

Meet Your Teacher

David Perlmutter, MD, is a board-certified neurologist, Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, and Associate Professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He is also a six-time NY Times bestselling author whose books include Drop Acid, Brain Wash, Grain Brain, and Brain Maker.

He is the recipient of numerous awards, including: the Linus Pauling Award for his innovative approaches to neurological disorders; the National Nutritional Foods Association Clinician of the Year Award; and the Humanitarian of the Year award from the American College of Nutrition.

“Brain degeneration is not inevitable; it’s something we can prevent by regaining control over our metabolism. Your brain’s destiny isn’t set in stone—it’s shaped by the choices you make every day.

~ Dr. Perlmutter

What You'll Learn

Each day of this program includes 15-20 minutes of video content plus key takeaways.

You’ll learn:

  • Why modern treatments for Alzheimer’s aren’t working
  • How your metabolism may be driving your risk of dementia
  • The hidden role of nitric oxide in optimal brain health
  • Why high uric acid is threatening for your metabolism and brain
  • Foods and supplements that can inhibit uric acid
  • Natural strategies to preserve brain function 

This course is not just for those who are facing symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Whether you’re in your 70s, 50s, or even 30s, this is about keeping your brain resilient for the rest of your life.

"Dr. Perlmutter connects the dots and leads us to the nutritional and lifestyle practices that can provide the ‘U turn’ many of us desperately need to be fit and mentally sharp."

~ Dr. Sara Szal Gottfried 

"Dr. Perlmutter offers scientifically supported practical advice, simple dietary changes, and natural hacks to tackle the metabolic issue underpinning obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, and more."

~  JJ Virgin

Learn about a hidden, chronic threat to brain health — and how to keep it under control.