Voting Resources


VOTING INFO for all States - registration deadlines & absentee info

HOW TO VOTE details for each state

WHEN & HOW TO VOTE IN ALL 50 STATES (more from Axios)

If you can, help neighbors return their ballots. Click HERE for state-by-state rules & allowances.

BECOME A POLL WORKER (Let’s help our usual elderly poll workers stay safe from Covid-19)

For College & High School Students!  Poll Hero is recruiting YOU!

Phone Bank + Text Bank ~ SO EASY!!

Choose a race and contact the campaign (gotta flip the Senate: Amy McGrath, Jaime Harrison, Sara Gideon) Text JOE to 30330 to join the Biden//Harris grassroots campaign network


Join a national grassroots network to target where impact is needed & get out the vote!

Indivisible  ~  Swing Left (they will teach you all you need to know)

***Indivisible’s Recommended Texting Programs Many focuses to choose from. SO EASY!***

Education in Media Literacy by PEN America 

PEN America's Guide to Combating Protest Disinformation

PEN America's Guide on COVID-19 Disinformation

PEN America's 2019 Report Truth on the Ballot: Fraudulent News, the Midterm Elections, and Prospects for 2020

Why is voting so important?

Voting is the most direct way to ensure those who are elected to political office truly represent you and your values. 

Voting was not always a default right for all Americans (and before America it wasn’t a default right for almost anyone). We hope you treat your personal ability to vote with the respect and appreciation due to everyone who came before and fought for this right.

If you think your vote doesn’t matter in a sea of millions of votes, we can quickly turn to our nation's electoral history in which some of the most critical victories could have been swung by as few as a dozen (if not fewer) votes in certain precincts.


Your civic participation is critical to the roles most important to you: From your local community (Do you know who your county official is? Your state officials? Your federal officials?) to the President and Vice President at the top of the ticket.

Below is a resource list including a voting checklist to ensure your voice is heard, registration deadlines & absentee info for each state, ways to support the United States Postal Service (who are critical for this election in particular), and education in media literacy to mindfully navigate propaganda.

We are counting the DAYS until one of the most important elections in our nation’s history and your participation is absolutely critical. With issues such as COVID-19, global warming, racial injustice and income inequality front-and-center, we must vote as if our lives depend on it, because they absolutely do.

• • •

Protect Your Vote

  • Vote as early as possible.
  • If possible, hand deliver a handwritten ballot to your board of elections or designated collection boxes.
  • Take a picture of your ballot before you turn it in.
  • Don’t rely on USPS, but if you MUST, pretend election day is SEPTEMBER 30.
  • Electronic voting machines can be tampered with. (Vote on paper!)
  • Election Day voter suppression is difficult to combat. (Vote early!)
  • Help others get their ballots in. See below.
  • Check your registration, deadlines, etc. 
  • Tell your friends, family, EVERYONE you can remind to VOTE.
  • Triple check your registration. Remind your friends. Again. TURNOUT wins.

Plus: We shouldn’t expect an outcome on Nov. 3. Mentally prepare yourself for potential legal battles and be prepared to be civically active post-Election Day.



Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world.


~ Sharon Salzburg

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